About My Newsletter

Every month, I send out a newsletter based on a comprehensive article found on my website. These newsletters are aimed at inspiring you to find your Inner Winner and live a Be-YOU-tiful life.

Your email address will only be used for this purpose, as well as to inform you of my activities. It will not be given or sold to any other party.


You will receive my newsletter if:

  • You used the subscription form on my website to supply your contact details
  • You asked to be be added to my mailing list
  • You are already a contact of mine

How to Unsubscribe Yourself

You may unsubscribe from my newsletter at any time.

The newsletter mailing system includes an automated unsubscribe process, which works as follows:

  1. Click on the unsubscribe link in the email newsletter
  2. You will be taken to my web site
  3. Select which newsletters you wish to unsubscribe from
  4. Unsubscribe from this Mailing List - will unsubscribe you from this mailing list, but not others on my site
  5. Unsubscribe from all Mailing Lists - will unsubscribe you from all the mailing lists on my site
  6. Do not receive an e-mail from this website anymore - you will never receive an email from my website, and will never be added to existing or future mailing lists
  7. Press the Unsubscribe button
  8. You will receive a final email confirming that you have been removed

Contact me

Should you not wish to use the above automated unsubscribe process, you may use the Contact Us form on my web site.
However, since this process is not automated, I cannot guarantee that your email address will be timeously and successfully removed.

Report abuse

This newsletter mailing process is facilitated by BrilliantWeb (www.brilliantweb.co.za). 
If you feel that the messages you are receiving constitute spam, and if you are unsuccessful in removing your email address from the subscriber list, please contact BrilliantWeb.

When doing so, please include the following information:

  • The email address to which the email was sent
  • The name of the newsletter or sending company
  • The date on which the newsletter was received
  • What steps you have taken thus far to get your address removed

E-Quipped Newsletter

To receive a dose of inspiration, motivation and information, please enter your details here (no more than 12 newsletters per year).

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Life Lessons

  • My Life Lesson Learnt in St Peter’s Basilica
    My Life Lesson Learnt in St Peter’s Basilica While travelling in Italy I visited the magnificent St Peter’s Basilica located in the Vatican City. Inside is a larger-than-life bronze statue of St. Peter — his right hand extended to confer a blessing, while his left hand clutches the…

Start thinking about the lessons life offers us... View Life Lessons